Marcel Duchamp ( Blainville-Crevon 1887 - New York City 1968 )
De ou Marcel Duchamp ou Rrose Sélavy (la Boîte), Paris 1941 – New York 1966
Red leather cardboard valise containing 80 miniature replicas and colotypes in black and white and in colors
Serie F, edition of 75 copies
415 x 385 x 99 mm
Signed Marcel Duchamp

Ecke Bonk,  Marcel Duchamp – The Portable Museum, ed.Thames and Hudson, 1989, p. 301 ill. in colors  
Arturo Schwartz, The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp, ed. Thames and Hudson, 1997, p. 764

De ou Marcel Duchamp ou Rrose Sélavy (la Boîte), Paris 1941 – New York 1966