Geoffrey de Beer is an artist and gallery owner who has also worked as a curator in the past. For Museum to Scale 1/7 he created the “Art Relics” series, in which he glorifies the status of contemporary artists. On the basis of the hierarchy and the importance of ecclesiastical relics, he has generated a similar hierarchy within contemporary art. Next to small versions of his handkerchief-relics that touched the original artworks and have taken over their “Aura”, he shows glass cloches, in which personal objects of the respective artists are combined with a strong narrative element. These cloches refer to the retables that beguines produced for centuries to decorate churches and chapels. De Beer enforces these lovely fairytales by incorporating clear references to the artistic work, as well on a spiritual basis by displaying the personality of the glorified artist. The title “La Reproduction Interdite” comes from a work of René Magritte. Like this surrealist artist, de Beer is fascinated by images, similarities and the riddles they create.