Bruce Nauman ( Fort Wayne (USA) 1941 )
Verso Recto, 1996, Verso Recto (State I), Verso Recto (State II),1998
2-color lithograph/screenprint
565,2 x 723,9 mm.
Signed, dated and numbered in pencil
In an edition of  50 copies

1-color intaglio etching
539,8 x 679,5 mm.
Signed, dated and numbered in pencil
In an edition of  75 copies

Publisher:   Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles

Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles,  Partial Truths, All Thumbs, and        Verso Rectos, 1999

Verso Recto, 1996, Verso Recto (State I), Verso Recto (State II),1998