Marcel Duchamp ( Blainville-Crevon 1887 - New York City 1968 )

Marcel Duchamp is an undeniable pioneer of modern art. His influence is deservedly esteemed to be as great as Picasso’s. Duchamp’s entire body of work- from The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors. Even (the Large Glass) to Etant Donnés, via the ready-mades- are outstanding examples of how the art of this century broke with traditional concepts. “The most intelligent man of the century” (André Breton) wanted- beyond notions of good or bad taste- to make art wich would not only delight the eye but, more importantly, would also serve as a springboard for the spirit. He pursued his own path, parallel to and beyond Dada and Surrealism, wich was consciosly contrary and full of a serious sense of humour. From a variety of perspectives this was a prophetic route. Most artistic renwals of the last decades find echoes in the spirit and economy of Duchamp’s creations. His exemplary independence formed and forms his greatest power of attraction. Still today, Duchamp remains the most disturbing star in the artistic frimament. The combination of technical ingenuity and boundless invention makes a confrontation with his art works a rare and strongly aesthetic experience.
